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Property safety name

Property names are automatically converted to secure python names. However, you can explicitly specify the name with which the property will be generated for the data schema. To do this, specify the desired name in the property description in the format __safety_key__(your_name).

Auto converted names

For OpenAPI schema with not safety property names for, class,*

      title: model for testing safety key
      type: object
          title: For
          type: string
          description: reserved word, expecting "for_"
          title: Class
          type: string
          description: reserved word, expecting "class_"*:
          title: With dot, hyphens and garbage
          type: integer
          description: invalid identifier, expecting "with_dot_and_hyphens"

the following class with safety property names for_, class_, with_dot_and_hyphens will be generated

class SafetyKeyForTesting(BaseModel):
    for_: str | None = Field(None, alias="for", description='reserved word, expecting "for_"')
    class_: str | None = Field(None, alias="class", description='reserved word, expecting "class_"')
    with_dot_and_hyphens: int | None = Field(
        None, alias="*", description='invalid identifier, expecting "with_dot_and_hyphens"'

Custom names

For example, for the original schema with not safety property event-data

    title: PostObjectData
    type: object
            title: Event-Data
            type: object
            description: __safety_key__(custom_name)
the following class with property custom_name will be generated
class PostObjectData(BaseModel):
    custom_name: dict = Field(..., alias="event-data", description="__safety_key__(custom_name)")